Avoid eating hard or sticky foods such as licorice, gum, toffee, hard candies, ice cubes, etc. These can loosen or damage the appliance. Apples and raw vegetables such as carrots must be cut into small pieces before eating as they can also distort the bands and wires, or cause the appliance to come loose.
As soon as you have finished eating, carefully brush your teeth and the appliance. Make sure that you clean under the appliance as well as you can.
To turn the appliance, place the key into the hole of the appliance on the roof of your mouth. Push the key to the back of your mouth until you see the next hole appear. Remove the key. It is very important that you push the key to the back until the next hole appears. Turn the appliance according to the schedule given at your latest appointment. (Do not turn from back to front as this will move the teeth in the opposite direction)
Your next appointment should be made in one week unless otherwise instructed. At your next appointment, we will let you know if you should continue turning the appliance or if enough expansion has been achieved.
Important: If for some reason you do not return to our office for your scheduled appointment, stop turning the appliance until you see the doctor again.
Check your appliance daily for loose bands or broken attachments. If you find any, stop turning the appliance and please call our office immediately.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our office.