X-Pur or MI Paste
This is a special product to add minerals back into your teeth.
Do not use these products if you are allergic to milk products. You can use them if you are lactose intolerant and they are safe to swallow. They do not contain fluoride and YOU MUST still use your regular tooth paste.
- Use at night after the last thing you eat
- Brush with your regular tooth paste and then floss
- If you use a mouth rinse – use it next
- Apply a pea sized amount of the paste on a tooth brush and spread it on the teeth just above the braces on the upper teeth
- Repeat the same procedure with the lower teeth
- Allow the paste to remain on the teeth for 3 minutes- then you may spit – BUT DO NOT RINSE IT OFF
- If directed to, use also in the morning
If you do not use it in the morning – brush your teeth as normal BUT do not rinse off your tooth paste for 30 minutes- just spit only